I think it's pretty funny some of the ignorant stuff that people can say. Perhaps in "their reality" that stuff is true. You got some narrow minded A-holes in every religion. Obviously not all muslims are suicide bombers. (or we'd be in deep shit)
Unfourtunatly, many religious leaders and politicains look at the world and try to see what's wrong in the world instead of whats right. These guys are the same people who want to illegalize abortion. Sure its wrong, but it's not the governments job to tell us what is moral. If these jerks took time to help the people they condemn the world would be a better plece.
Sorry about the rant. Anyhow I found the flash to be quite informative. Some of the quotes ran by like an indy car on the final lap of a race.
My final thought is please don't judge us bible thumpers by the extremists. Some of the quoes offended my core and thats good cause it got me thinking....